Corporate Wellbeing • Common Purpose

Corporate Wellbeing

We provide bespoke wellbeing programmes to Mayfair's high-performance businesses

Build your team a bespoke wellbeing programme with the following features

We work meticulously with your leadership team to understand your teams training requirements. We then develop a carefully considered programme that strives to achieve success and to unite your team along the way too.

Inclusive of all ability levels
Inspired by the training methods of elite sports teams in the us
We work with business that have headcounts between 10 to 150

Private group PT sessions

Every session is privately reserved for your team members. You can choose the times that work best for your team, and we provide reasonable flex to ensure your sessions are fully utilised.

One to One support

We understand that every team is made up of individuals. Single support sessions help get the best out of your team and guide the progression of your corporate training programme

Bespoke training calendar

Every business has their own schedule. We work with your team to ensure that all your sessions are at the right time to ensure maximum success

Facility access

If your team need access to changing facilities and lockers, we have that covered

Reports and trackable KPI’s

Our objective is to deliver your business wellbeing success. We provide reports and track KPIs to ensure we hit the targets that matter most to your business

Proven results

As time progresses, companies can measure the value of investment by seeing their workforce improve.

Common Purpose goes beyond ‘improve’ and work hard to ensure your businesses thrives.

Download our White Paper and learn more about key studies that highlight…

  • Improved talent acquisition and retention
  • Increased workforce sustainability, output growth and reduced sick days
  • Enhanced company profile
Download Whitepaper

Who we work with

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