Rob Aitken • Common Purpose

Rob Aitken

Senior Trainer

To speak to Rob Aitken about your corporate training or your own training: 07915 637721

Rob began working as a Personal Trainer in 2004 after finishing his degree in Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Bath. Since then, Rob has had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of clientele ranging from professional athletes to super-humans in their 70’s and 80’s. Over the course of his career Rob has come to understand that the key to helping clients find their unique route to success is centred around building a trusting and cooperative relationship.

Now, even armed with many years of experience in the fitness industry, Rob continues to expand his knowledge in the ever-evolving fitness sector, striving to understand more about the human body with an aim to help individuals achieve their desired outcomes. Rob believes that as part of the team at Common Purpose there has never been a better place for him or his clients to be to achieve this in the best way possible.

One of Rob’s biggest personal achievements took place in the summer of 2007 when he and a friend completed a ‘Deca-Ironman’ to raise £50,000 for Leukaemia research. The challenge took 3 weeks to complete and included running 10 marathons in 10 days!

Today it is family life that keeps Rob on his toes with the challenge of remaining physically capable to chase his young son around and squeeze into uncomfortable hiding places for great lengths of time bringing a new meaning to the term ‘fitness’.


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