Zac Goodman • Common Purpose

Zac Goodman

Zac has been a member for over 7 years. See what he has to say...

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What was the problem you were experiencing before you started training with Common Purpose?

I always knew what I wanted to achieve but lacked the motivation to follow through on a consistent basis. I think I also suffered from a lot of decision fatigue, just not really understanding what I should or shouldn’t be doing with my training and lifestyle.

Have you previously tried anything else to achieve your goals? If so, what was this?

Yes, I’ve had a number of PT’ s over the years.

What results have you achieved working with Common Purpose? (Don’t worry if you can’t remember specific numbers and figures, we have this all on record)

At my heaviest I was just over 90 kg. My lowest weigh in was 77.5 kg! I now sit comfortably around 81 – 82 Kg. Throughout this process I’m the strongest I’ve ever been! Deadlifting over 140 Kg, Bench Pressing my bodyweight and squatting over 120 Kg! I’m in the best shape I’ve been in during my adult life and am full of energy and vitality, happily walking all around town.

What was the best thing about achieving this?

The boys at Common Purpose of ensuring that there is always a tangible element of progress which makes the whole process so satisfying. If it’s not weight loss, it’s strength gains. If it’s not strength gains it’s weight loss.

What’s your favourite exercise or workout and why?

Overhead Barbell Shoulder Press. Because I’m sick at it

What’s your least favourite exercise or workout and why?

Safety bar squats. If I have to do them one more time ..

What other benefits have you enjoyed as a result of working with Common Purpose?

24/7/365 Backup. If you’re willing to engage with the team, they’re really there for the whole time. It’s a holistic service that goes above and beyond the ‘session’.

What do your friends and family think of your new lifestyle and your commitment to personal training?

They’re amazed at the changes in my habits/ behaviours as well as the change in my physique. And of course, pleased tha t I may live for longer as a result. Some might even describe me as an inspiration ..

What would you say to anyone considering working with Common Purpose and why?

It’s a different level of personal training. You won’t have had anything to rival it. Th e quality of training, the facility, the education, the materials and resources you get. And the fact they genuinely care for you and results. It’s more than a job for them. Your results is their passion.