Max Smith • Common Purpose

Max Smith

Max has been a member for over 4 years. See what he has to say...

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Why did you start training with Common Purpose?
To become healthier and feel more confident. I had never been to the gym before, so I wanted to make sure I was doing the correct type of exercise for my ability level and achieved results.

What have been your highlights?
Learning how to change my eating habits to support a healthier lifestyle and getting into a disciplined exercise routine. I’ve made a few friends along the way too!

Has your training had any impact on the wider aspect of your life?
Undoubtedly I feel healthier, fitter and stronger and I enjoy seeing the changes in physique. However the results go beyond the physical and I feel really good about myself and more centred.

Describe your experience of working with the Common Purpose team
Amazing, professional, personable team of people, each of them equally as talented as each other.